Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 23: A picture of something I wish I could change

I wish I could change the perception that most Canadians have of the Indigenous people. It really saddens me that there is no accountability at all on our part (general society) for our part in the situation they are in.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 22: A picture that shows my true self

Both of these pics. I actually don't think I have a picture of myself that shows my "true self", but I had to put something, so I figured, one pic of "crazy" Mel that people close to me know, and the other "introspective" Mel that only people really close to me know.

Day 21: A picture of something I wish I was better at

I wish I was better at speaking French. I miss it, and was fairly good at it back in the day (especially after coming home from Quebec, though I acquired a Quebecois accent that took a LONG time to get rid of. Every so often when I've had a few drinks, there is a trace of it).

Day 20: A picture of the person that you've been friends with the longest

I could have put a pic of Kosta, since he trumps Kriscel by a few months, but since I've had him in a few earlier days, I thought I'd put this pic there. I met Kriscel in Quebec back in 1999, and we've remained friends, despite not seeing her since then. We connected right away with our mutual love of anything Celtic. I still remember the melody of a song she used to sing (though I have no idea the name or anything, just that it was a song in Gaelic).

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 19: A picture of somewhere I would love to travel

Rwanda. And the memorials to those that were murdered during the genocide.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 18: A picture of my pet

Though not my pet anymore, I thought what the hell, just put her up anyways. So this is my old cat Maki. She was awesome. Except for when she would pee on the sofa. Which was often. But other than that, I couldn't have asked for a better cat, and she is now in an equally awesome home with people that love her.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on my life recently

My (limited) time in the Indigenous Studies program at Camosun, particularly the sociology course I took. It has really changed the way I view how society views and treats certain groups of people, and how we contribute to it.

Day 16: A picture of someone who inspires me

Dr. Gabor Mate. Simply amazing man.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 15: A picture of something I want to do before I die

One year, I really want to go and see the Holy Light in Jerusalem on Pascha. I have no idea if or when it will happen, but one day..............

Day 14: A picture of the person you could never imagine your life without

I can't put just one person, so I'll put three.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 13: A picture of my favorite artist/band

I don't have a favorite artist per se. Lately I've been listening to a lot of K'naan, though I had to add Fairuz, since I really love her stuff (especially the Byzantine chant).

Day 12: A picture of something I love

I LOVE living a short walk to the ocean. And living on an island. I think if I were to live in a place that was landlocked, I would feel really claustrophobic.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 11: A picture of something I hate

Bullying. In any form, be it verbal abuse in a board meeting, discriminating against someone because of sexual orientation social status or race, or humiliating someone because of a differing point of view.
I hate it.

Day 10: A picture of the people I do the most effed up things with

Yelling at shoes. Enough said.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 8: A picture that makes me laugh

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic. It makes me laugh every time I look at it. I discovered this in one geography class that I took (air photo interpretation) and this pic was shown to us by our instructor. Apparently in one of the wars (WWII I think.....)they used pigeons to take air photos until someone pointed out that maybe it might be a better idea to put a camera on a plane, rather than messenger pigeons.

Day 7: A photo of my most treasured item

I had a hard time with this one, there are a few things that I thought of (a particular cross that I wear that I love, my wedding rings, etc) but I settled on my car, since it is something that I really would have a hard time living without. And because I am lazy and can drive rather than walk places. haha

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 6: A photo of someone I would want to trade places with for a day

I would totally love it, especially on a parish counsel day, or one of his meetings with he who shall not be named in a public forum (but those who know me know who I'm talking about.....and if not, his name rhymes with byckael).

Day 5: A photo of my favorite memory

So yes, I could have put any memory, and having my two kids were pretty spectacular. So was my marriage, but I figured, what the hell, those are somewhat expected, so why not do something different. So it's not really this particular memory (though that was a pretty good show), but that whole time period when I lived in the Lions with Pam, Lindsay, and Spiro (Kosta was our distance member of that household, since he was still living in Surrey then) was one of the best, most fun times of my life. I will always look back fondly of that apartment, and the people I spend all my waking hours with.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 4: A picture of my night

So yes, this isn't exactly a picture of my night (it is quite obviously a picture of an afternoon somewhere in time) BUT it is a pic of the people I spent the evening with (taken a year and a half?? ago). Of course, Fr. Dn Kevin isn't in the picture, and he was there (as were my two kids and husband) but we make do with what we have, and I didn't have a camera this evening.

For those interested about what we did get up to this evening, we went to a Christmas truck parade (the very same one that I have been stuck behind every December). It is much less annoying when you are watching it on purpose. Much shorter too. And hey, this time we didn't have Pavlo crying in the back of the car creating hell on earth.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3: A picture of the cast of your favorite show

So, yes, I know I have three here, but I really couldn't choose which is my favorite (and really, there are so many more that I really enjoyed, all for different reasons). So, in the order that they appear, there is Firefly (still mad it was canceled!!). Then there is Oz (I thought they were really ahead in their thinking and politics). And lastly, there is The Wire (simply the best story telling I've seen on screen, like ever.) Honourable mentions have to go to Dexter (they've managed to have each season completely different in their story, which is really nice to see. And the concept of the show is really interesting), and The Shield (really good storytelling...almost like the wire, but completely different direction).
Also, I am aware this isn't a pic of the cast, but close enough.....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 2

A picture of me and the person I've been closest with the longest.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 1: Picture of myself and fifteen facts

Fifteen facts
1. I am in school taking Indigenous studies
2. Related to the first one, I want to go into sociology, concentrating on social change and social justice (minoring in social justice studies and Indigenous studies.....if I can actually do that)
3. As you may be able to see, I am very interested in social justice!
4. Taking Indigenous studies has completely changed the way that I view myself.
5. Taking a first year sociology course has completely changed the way I view society.
6. I am adopted, and am just learning now how that has affected me in my life.
7. I live on an island and I love it.
8. I am a coffee addict.
9. I have two wonderful children that are teaching me what love really is
10. I have a brother that I wish I was closer to.
11. I know more Greek than I ever let on.
12. I have an awesome husband who is a really awesome priest.
13. I am religious, yet struggle to be spiritual.
14. I once spent a good 20 min yelling at shoes with my best friend. We may or may not have been intoxicated....;)
15. I have a few friends in England whom I miss very much.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

30 Day Photo Challenge

So I've been wanting to do that 30 day photo challenge, and I figure, what the hell, do it in December. That's the month of all that goodwill and fellowship, ya? So starting tomorrow I'll be (trying) to post a new pic every day. I'm sure there will be days that I miss, and in turn post a few entries in one day, but for the most part, it's something to do that maybe will get me to remember this blog more often??? Hopefully??

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Pavlo went as Wolverine, and Zoe as Angelina Ballerina. It was really cute to see Pavlo so excited running from house to house, with Kosta trying really hard to keep up (it was the only time I've used one of those backpack leashes on him.....and it was a good thing I did, cause he was damn fast!!)