Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3: A picture of the cast of your favorite show

So, yes, I know I have three here, but I really couldn't choose which is my favorite (and really, there are so many more that I really enjoyed, all for different reasons). So, in the order that they appear, there is Firefly (still mad it was canceled!!). Then there is Oz (I thought they were really ahead in their thinking and politics). And lastly, there is The Wire (simply the best story telling I've seen on screen, like ever.) Honourable mentions have to go to Dexter (they've managed to have each season completely different in their story, which is really nice to see. And the concept of the show is really interesting), and The Shield (really good storytelling...almost like the wire, but completely different direction).
Also, I am aware this isn't a pic of the cast, but close enough.....

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